How to vote using the electronic voting system

  1. To vote use the information you received by email (voter id, password and link to the election). Voter Authentication

  2. The Voting Booth contains instructions. Please read them and click on the Start button. Home screen

  3. Choose only one of the candidates and then click the Next button.

    • Abstention from voting: If you want to abstain, click Next without choosing any candidate.

    Choose a candidate

  4. At this stage you can review your voting choice. If everything is correct click the Next button.

    • If you wish to change your vote, simply click on the change link and the screen will return to the ballot with all available candidates for a new choice.

    Review of choices made

  5. When the ballot is deposited in the electronic ballot box, the vote will be counted for the said election. Encrypted ballot

  6. Click on the Confirm button to deposit your ballot into the urn. If you do not wish to deposit the ballot, click on the Cancel button. Last chance before depositing

  7. Congratulations, your vote has been successfully cast. Vote successfully deposited

Attention: The Helios voting system allows you to deposit ballots in the urn as often as you wish. However, only the last ballot deposited is the one that will be counted in the counting of the urn. All previous ballots will be discarded.